Month of Home/Origin

with Alyssa Polizzi, Daniel L. Garner, Michelle Garner

This month at The Portal we will be focusing on the concept of Home/Origin as a sub-theme for Community. ​ As mentioned last month, at The Portal we are aiming to repeat three meta-themes: Sexuality, Community, Metaphysics, situated in the context of sub-themes. ​ Home/Origin as situated in Community will allow us to think about what it means to become grounded in a world that has totally lost contact with givens. ​ In this exploration we welcome three guests, including Alyssa Polizzi, the author of The Artemisian blog, as well as Daniel L. Garner and Michelle Garner of O.G. Rose. ​

Polizzi's session at The Edge will introduce us to different archetypal interpretations of Home and the way we can make sense of our origins while on the path of individuation. ​ You can already find an opening blog reflection expanding on the direction she is taking in her session here: Odyssey: The Archetypal Yearning of Home.

Daniel L. Garner's session at Thought Lab will offer a formal overview of the meaning of O.G. Rose latest book, Belonging Again: An Address, as well as open a space of Q and A to discuss the presentation as well as the central concepts of the book in the context of thinking about Home and Origins. ​ You can order a copy of the book yourself at the link below:

Belonging Again: An Address

You can also find a discussion with Daniel L. Garner and I here:

Michelle Garner's session in Real Talk will extend this dialogue in opening a space of personal self-relation to the concept of Belonging Again. ​ In Real Talk we aim to keep the intellectual in connected to the personal and sense-make the way we can integrate or interpret new intellectual information for our daily lives. ​ This is a special Real Talk because Michelle Garner was the first guest at Real Talk last May, exactly one year ago, and before the establishment of The Portal. ​

To find out more about The Portal, or to sign up for this month, see:

Month of Home/Origin


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